Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bucket List.... 2011

Lorraine's Bucket List!

- Run a 4 mile race.
- Drive a motorcycle
- Exercise Daily, cardio 45 minutes
- work out with weights to get Michelle Obama arms (or almost there!!)
- Horseback ride by myself  - weekly, (I'm in training).
- Jump out of an airplane, parachute
- Start a B&B and / or a dessert shop
- Move somewhere tropical all year/ by the ocean
- Get in the best shape of my life, (on going process)
- Lose those darn 5 pounds to get back down to 129!!!
- and the list will be  added to as life goes on.........

My Motorcycle...

Steve's old 97' Honda Magna Motorcycle is now mine to ride. I studied for the Motorcycle permit test... came to the conclusion after my first riding lesson that I no longer want to be the driver! I was sweating bullets just turning the thing on and standing it up-right!!! I did manage to take it all by myself around our little block in first gear after an hour of going a few feet at a time. That was enough!!! So we are officially selling it!! I'll gladly be the passenger on Steve's new Honda!!! 

I can offically cross this off my bucket list too!!
Pix soon.... ;0)

Run for the Gold... Leprechaun Days

I can cross this off my bucket list!!! The kids and I ran in the "Run for Gold, Leprechaun days".

Celina did the mile in 8 minutes, 33 seconds!! She finished 54th out of 107 people, and earned a 2nd place in her age group of 11-12 year olds. Out of all the girls/women 47, she finished #20 better then half of the runners!! Way to Go Celina!!!!!

Logan did the half mile - Shamrock Sprint and came in 4th out of all the kids ages 8 and under!! Way to go Logan!!!

I ran the 4 mile and did it in my record time of 8 minutes and 51 seconds a mile for a total 4 mile time of 53 minutes and 22 seconds!!! Out of 214 people, I came in 105th place. I was in 8th place for my age group (40 - 49) and there were 20 of us. Total # of women that ran the race was 91 and out of those I was #33!! I'm super glad I did this and could not have imagined a year ago I would be running a 4 mile race!! Oh.,. almost forgot... my race was done without my Ipod!!! Just Crazy that I forgot it and I sure could have used some music motivation!